Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Roger Ebert - An Open Letter

Dear Roger Ebert.

I will admit openly and say, first off, that I find your review of 'Kick Ass' to be nothing short of wrong. Completely wrong. But, that's not why I'm here at my desk scrambling to focus my thoughts and align my words. The reason I am here is because of this. Perhaps, Roger, you are unfamiliar with the term "trolling". Indeed, if you are familiar with the term, I would be highly surprised. I imagine you aren't. Therefore, I will explain it to you.

"Trolling" is simply another word for baiting someone. It is the act of deliberately and forcefully saying something for the purposes of a reaction. A negative reaction. The etymology of the word comes from a description of the person who partakes in this - a "troll". You are, Roger, a troll. Why do I label thee with such a mark? For the simple reason that your statements in the aforementioned article are nothing short of deliberate. You are going out of your way to incur the ire and wrath of a community.

Logic would suggest, nay demand, that if one is to criticise an artform, one must sample it. I have never seen a painting in real life by Andy Warhol. I am somewhat familiar with his work, but I would not class myself as a follower of his art. Now. Were I to begin wildly chastising his artwork, calling it boring, useless, unworthy of its status as iconic and so forth, I would - I hope - be asked as to whether or not I have seen any of it. The same goes for cinema. You can't, in all good conscience, deride a film without seeing it. The same is to be said of video games. It has to be experienced and sampled.

Art is about making a connection with the viewer. In its simplest format, it is saying "I have an idea - here it is. This is my idea." That is the very core of art - a question to the viewer; what do you think? Video games offer a similar question. I have watched the TEDTalk you referred to. Personally, I would have chosen different games to use as examples. I would direct your attention to Halo 3 : ODST. I enclose the trailer for this game. This game follows the story of a trooper searching for his fallen comrades in an urban landscape. It deals with such topics as loss, anger and retribution. Having sampled this game myself, I can tell you that it illicits emotion.

But you wouldn't know that. It is your refusal to sample this is what is most infuriating. You wouldn't dare to review a film without having first seen it. So why do you choose to deride our noble art when you haven't even played it? You, Roger, are doing this just to piss people off. I am sure of it. There is no other logical explanation. Perhaps, in your age, you feel that you have lost touch with the current generation. Indeed, you may feel that they are not listening to you. I tell you, Roger, if they're not listening to you, it's because you're talking bullshit.

You have become the old man at the porch, screaming obscenities and nonsense at people walking by. You are, simply put, not worth listening to.


Brian Lloyd

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