Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sore Thumb

So. To begin with.

Was at this thing in the city last night. I was flying solo. See, when I go to gigs or whatever, it's absolutely fine. The attention is focused, or at least should be, on the musician(s) at the front. Nobody's looking around. However. This was not the case last night. It was a DJ set. Now, to say I stuck out like a sore thumb is an understatement. I mean, it looked great - everybody was having fun, dancing and so forth. I just couldn't get into it. It's only now that it dawns on me. When there's a DJ / nightclub scenario, it is virtually impossible to blend into the background. There has to be a group dynamic. Live performances, on the other hand, is ideally suited to the singular figure. Nobody's paying attention to the person beside them. Now, that's not to say that this happens in nightclub scenarios, but your attention isn't drawn to anything in particular. Except the people around you.

This, of course, explains why I intensely dislike going to these shindigs alone. I couldn't convince anyone to go to this thing with me. It was basically where all the fashionistas of Dublin hide at the weekend. I'm convinced of it now. So there's me, a permanently jet-lagged, twenty-something dood with massive hair and lacking social skills. Of course I stood out.

And naturally, I bailed after ten minutes. Note to self - never fly solo.

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