Monday, April 19, 2010

Slick Bastards...

That's right. A list of slick fucking bastards. Check this shit out:

Ray Winstone Ray Winstone is pretty much what I want to look like when I'm 50. A few love handles, but well 'ard. The man's acting may be a bit, well, shit - but when he's in his element, i.e. beating the shit out of people or being a complete bad-ass, he's amazing. What I also like is the fact that he comes across as completely down-to-earth. He hasn't lost that working-class charm.

Steve McQueen
The man needs no introduction. Before you were born, nay, a dirty thought, this fucker was going around being the legend he is. The crazy bastard even got arrested for, wait for it, doing his own stunts. In the 60's. It wasn't even required for him to do it. This was long before Harrison Ford was putting stuntmen out of their jobs, let me tell you. AND! He knew how to dress. Oh yes. Sit down and watch 'Bullitt' and come back and tell me he isn't suave as fuck. Brad Pitt likes to think he's cool as Steve McQueen - in reality, he's just nowhere near his league. He isn't even playing in the same sport. Nobody is. That's why he's Steve McQueen.

David Bowie
OK, this may seem like an obvious choice. In fact, they all may seem like obvious choices. But I'm sticking David Bowie in here not for his fashion sense. Or his musical abilities. I'm sticking him in here for the fact that his godlike ability to reinvent himself. The dude's basically a chameleon. There was the Ziggy Stardust-era, the Berlin-era, the Thin White Duke-era, the Heretic-era. They were all fucking amazing-era. He is deserving of your praise and admiration. You don't even have to dig his music, but you are required to respect his ability to be consistently relevant and entertaining. Plus, he's screwing Iman on a regular basis. That alone deserves honourable mention.

Muhummad Ali Not only could this man beat the shit out of you in the first round, he was also able to knock the crap out of the US Government at the height of Segregation. The sheer amount of chutzpah this fucker showed in standing up and rejecting the Draft is absolutely unspeakable. It was completely unheard of; he made himself into a pariah. Now look at him - he's considered a living legend in sports circles. And rightfully so. If you've ever seen any of his matches, the skill the man possessed makes him one slick bastard. The thought and preparation, studying every part of his opponent, and then dispatching them with ease is nothing short of astounding. Plus, the smack talk - he was a king of it. He knew how to get into his enemy's mind and weaken them. He was, simply put, the Greatest.

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