Thursday, April 29, 2010

Video - M.I.A 'Born Free' (NSFW)

Watch the video first and then come back to me. All done? OK, so. Epic, I think, is the word you're looking for. I don't consider myself a fan of MIA at all. In fact, I didn't dig 'Paper Planes' at all - I couldn't get why most people did. I did, however, like the DFA remix of the song, but that's another post. The reason why I've posted this is because I'm curious to see what your reaction is. Normally, I don't ever bother to read the comments underneath a video. Purely because it's usually filled with people berating one another and so on and so forth.

This time, however, I did. And the results were interestng - some people found the video funny. As I think back, I can see why - at the time of watching, I didn't. I get the symbolism of the film; minority being attacked by overzealous authority, futile attacks by the free, etc. What I liked most about the film is just that. Too often nowadays, music videos are shortened and big topics are eschewed in favour of a personality-driven video. This dares to be different. I'm aware that MIA is known to court controversy and she's definitely out there. In fact, this video was banned from YouTube. It's easy to see why - it's pretty graphic. And comparisons at the final scene are drawn to the Iran-Iraq War where children were sent out to clear landmines.

The director, Romain Gravras, should be commended for his work. It is daring and shouldn't be considered as a music video - it should be considered as an art film.

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